Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
The Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) lab houses a newly installed Hitachi HF5000. The HF5000 has a cold FEG and comes with alignments at 200 keV and 60 keV. It is equipped with a Hitachi 3rd-order spherical aberration corrector for the scanning TEM (STEM) probe. Spectroscopic capabilities include: (1) Oxford Instruments twin silicon-drift detectors for EDS providing a total solid angle approaching 2.0 sr; and (2) Gatan Quantum Imaging Filter (GIF) for electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). The HF5000 is capable of ≤0.4 eV energy resolution for EELS and 78 pm point-to-point resolution in STEM mode for atomic-resolution imaging.
Jerry Chang, Lab Manager
Tom Zega, Instrument Scientist