The Electron Microprobe (EPMA) lab houses Cameca SX-50 and Cameca SX-100 Ultra instruments. The SX-50 was installed in 1991 and has been in continuous service for 26 years. It is equipped with a 30 keV W thermal emission gun, four wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometers (WDS), 12 diffracting crystals, and a Princeton-Gamma Tech Si(Li) EDS system, allowing analysis of elements with Z≥4. The SX-100 Ultra was installed in 2011 and has been in service for nearly 6 years. It is equipped with a 30 keV LaB6 filament, five WDS, 14 diffracting crystals, and an SDD-EDS system, allowing analysis of elements with Z≥5.
Ken Domanik, Lab Manager
Pierre Haenecour, Instrument Scientist

Cameca SX-50