

Our acknowledgements for funding and corporate partnership.

Instrumentation Funding

We gratefully acknowledge the following support:

  • NASA PSEF grant #80NSSC23K0327
  • NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program (grants #1531243 and #0619599)
  • NASA Planetary Major Equipment Program (grants #NNX12AL47G, #NNX15AJ22G and #NNX07AI520)
  • NSF Division of Earth Sciences, Instrumentation and Facilities Program (grant #EAR-0841669)
  • NASA Early Career Award #80NSSC20K1087
  • Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Arizona for funding instrumentation
National Science Foundation (NSF) logo
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) logo

Corporate Partnerships

We gratefully acknowledge Hitachi as a corporate partner.

Hitachi logo