The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) suite currently houses two microscopes with room for a third instrument. The Hitachi S-4800 cold-field emission gun (cold FEG) can operate between 0.5 keV and 30 keV. It is equipped with a Thermo-Noran Si(Li) energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) running Noran SystemSix (NSS) software. The Hitachi S-3400 is a W thermal emitter with a variable-pressure chamber and Renishaw InVia Raman system with the Structural and Chemical Analyser (SCA) interface and Reflex microscope. It is equipped with secondary-electron and backscattered-electron detectors and a Thermo-Noran SDD EDS system operating NSS software. The SEM suite also has laboratory benchtop space for sample-preparation and includes a chemical fume hood.
Zoe Zeszut, Lab Manager (3400 SEM)
Jerry Chang, Lab Manager (4800 SEM)
Pierre Haenecour, Instrument Scientist (4800 and 3400 SEM)

Hitachi S-3400