Kuiper-Arizona Laboratory for Astromaterials Analysis
Materials research and student training at large land-grant universities like the University of Arizona require routine access to state-of-the-art instrumentation that combines 2D- and 3D-analysis of composition and structure from cm to atomic length scales. Information on atomic structure, crystal chemistry, and spatial relationships is critical to understanding structure/property relationships of engineered materials as well as the origins of earth and planetary materials.
The Kuiper-Arizona Laboratory for Astromaterials Analysis is located in the sub-basement of the Gerard P. Kuiper building for Space Sciences, which was constructed in 1966 with funds provided by NASA. Located approximately 30 ft. below ground and slab-on-grade, the basement was renovated and repurposed to house electron and ion microscopes. The Kuiper-Arizona Laboratory for Astromaterials Analysis serves the entire UA community, including regional private- and public-sector users.