How do I acknowledge the facility/submit papers?

When results generated within the K-ALFAA are included within a conference presentation or journal publication, we require that all users to provide a copy of that publication to a member of the laboratory staff, who will include the reference on the publications page. A PDF copy of the paper after it appears in publication is sufficient. We require this in order to keep track of the diversity of research that occurs in the facility as well as the number of publications.

We also ask that users acknowledge the facility in their conference presentations (abstract or talk) and publications (as space allows). A statement along the lines of the following is sufficient:

We acknowledge NASA grants #80NSSC23K0327, #NNX12AL47G, #NNX15AJ22G and #NNX07AI520, and NSF grants #1531243 and #EAR-0841669 for funding of the instrumentation in the Kuiper-Arizona Laboratory for Astromaterials Analysis at the University of Arizona.


We acknowledge the NASA PSEF, Cosmochemistry, Emerging Worlds, Planetary Major Equipment Programs, the NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program, and the NSF Division of Earth Sciences, Instrumentation and Facilities Program for funding of the instrumentation in the Kuiper-Arizona Laboratory for Astromaterials Analysis at the University of Arizona.