Annual Hitachi Electron Microscopy Scholarship 2024


5 p.m., Feb. 29, 2024

Apply by February 29, 2024 at 5pm local time

The Kuiper-Arizona Laboratory for Astromaterials Analysis or K-ALFAA (formerly the Kuiper Materials Imaging and Characterization Facility) ( is pleased to announce the annual Hitachi Scholarship in Electron Microscopy. This scholarship is established by Hitachi High Technologies as part of their partnership with University of Arizona. Funds in the amount of $2,500 will be awarded to two graduate students generating cutting-edge research in electron microscopy. The award funds will be credited to the student bursar accounts and are not required to be used for instrument time. 


  • The student can be in any year of graduate studies and in any department at the University, but their research is expected to be conducted in materials science broadly defined
  • The student must be in good academic standing in their program
  • The research area of the recipient must include analytical electron microscopy
  • The laboratory work must include the use of at least one of the Hitachi microscopes available in the K-ALFAA

Required Materials

Applicants must submit an application that includes:

  • A C.V.
  • A written statement from the student, maximum of two pages, that describes their research and addresses salient points of what they are doing, why, its importance to the field, and the critical role of electron microscopy in their research
  • Example or proof-of-concept data included as supplemental figures are welcome as part of the proposal (the figures are not part of the 2-page maximum)
  • A letter of support from the faculty advisor

Other Materials

  • Applicants are encouraged to send any preprints or reprints of their work that highlights the use of electron microscopy

Selection Criteria

The review committee will judge each application based on its merit in using analytical electron microscopy to solve a clearly defined scientific problem. The recipients will be announced in the Spring 2024 semester.

Please send any question about the scholarship or the application process to

Submission Instructions

To be considered for this award, please email your application in PDF form to by 5pm local time on February 29, 2024.